i was curious if i could get assitance with the write up sineos did on this error. i am trying to be thorough with the issues my ender 6 is having… i get the reschedule eroor periodically which i dont understand i thought i would get it frequent if it was an issue, while i read the write up and read the documentation im still left confused as to what to do??? i am continously getting layer shift even after hardware replacements so i am left chasing a gremlin.
please help.
if my printer.cfg or klippy log is needed i can upload klippy.log.txt (2.2 MB) printer.cfg (11.7 KB)
You might notice that there is a certain discrepancy between your statement and what is required when opening a new support request. Bold and underlined still seems not sufficient
The only reason i didnt was i have no idea at this point if its a firmware mistake i have made a hardware or all of the above, thats why i left it as a question and i would happily upload it so the most recent i have will be up in a couple mins.
I didnt argue, i agreed and uploaded it unless its not there which could be possible. If its not then i can try again.
Apart from that yes i do agree with your statement and i can tell you its frustrating on the other end when you spend hours, days, weeks and finally you ask for help and often people forget vital information, and being new to klipper until recently when i opened the klippy log i had no idea how much information was there. Now do i understand any of it? Heck no im getting older and technology is getting newer so playing this catch up game is exhausting