Web Browser tab names

Basic Information:

Printer Model:
MCU / Printerboard:

Fill out above information and in all cases attach your klippy.log file. Pasting your printer.cfg is not needed
Be sure to check our Knowledge Base and in particular this and this post

Describe your issue:

I now have 2 machines ‘Klipperized’ and often have both powered up. My browser - Chrome on Ubuntu will show various names in the browser tabs that don’t reflect the Machine name. Sometimes it shows the 192.168 etc address, or percentage of print and sometimes ‘BTT CB1’. I would like to configure it to the machine name when idle. where might I find that option ?

In OctoPrint I can set this in OctoPrint Settings > Appearance:



I’m not using Octoprint. I’m using Mainsail and over the last month and it changes the title with updates and reboots with no discernable pattern. I have seen; Mainsail, IP address, BTT-CB1, Raspberry Pi[or the like] and davinci2. I’ guessing it is in a config file somewhere.

You can modify the name in the Interface Settings (cogs in the right top) in General > Name.