Printer for 0.02 layer high?

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Printer Model:
MCU / Printerboard:

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Luckily the printer is working well for me, a Vcore 3 … this post is to ask …

  • Does anyone know any Fdm printer that can print 0.025 mm (25 micron) layers?

With having a print area of 101010 and speed would not be a requirement either, PLA material… Any FDM printer that can approach DLP

Much better if “KLIPPER INSIDE”



What nozzle orifice is planned?

I d like try 0.25/0.20

Quite huge for such a tiny z lift, ain’t it?

I mean, for a usual 0.2mm layer height you use a 0.4 mm nozzle.

I would go for at least a 0.1 mm nozzle for a 0.02 mm layer.

In all, this will be a quite a challenge.

Good luck and success with it.